Grow Community Gardens We recently collaborated CROW walks to engage in a bit of guerilla gardening. Check out the CROW blog for more photos and details of other walks.

 So many of our gardeners struggle with their lack of space to garden and grow some of their own produce it is so frustrating to see so much green space unused and forgotten in and around our city centres. We decided to liberate some of these spaces and plant them up with some veggies and flowers that would not only brighten up some of these unsightly areas but provide any urban foragers with opportunities to harvest.

You can see from the photos that we had a look around Belfast city centre and discovered many areas that needed some attention, since this walk I can’t help but notice how much space there is out there that is in need of work.

There were some areas that were behind fences so these required a different strategy, we had great craic making seed bombs one rainy Sunday afternoon in the polytunnel, these were then lobbed over the fences and have since been broken down by the rain and germinated to provide flashes of colour in otherwise weedy and rubble filled spaces.

We planted up some lovely stainless steel window boxes outside an old bank with a crazy mix of cabbages, tomatoes, marigolds, fuscia and peas.  Whether or not these will thive, I am sure there will be a few raised eyebrows when passersby notice that there are peas growing on Royal Avenue.

The next stop was a wild flower meadow on the Falls Rd, we came here to see a space that the council have made more attractive by planting a wild flower mix as opposed to just mowing the area, it looked great. We did however notice some unsightly election posters blowing around the area so we tuned these into planters and left them on the traffic island. I don’t know how long they lasted, but hopefullythey raised a few smiles.

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